Official Nebraska Government Website
Official Nebraska Government Website
Nebraska Children's Commission
Nebraska Children's Commission

Strengthening Families Act Committee

On April 20, 2016, Governor Ricketts signed into law LB 746 which created the Strengthening Families Act (SFA) Committee (formerly the Normalcy Task Force) under the authority of the Nebraska Children's Commission.  Prior to coming under statute, the group functioned under the Children’s Commission as the Strengthening Families Act Taskforce.  The Strengthening Families Act Committee superseded the SFA Taskforce on the effective date of July 1, 2016.

The purpose of the SFA Committee is to act as an advisory body while the “normalcy” provisions of the Act are implemented in Nebraska. This group has and will continue to create recommendations surrounding the provisions that support youth in foster care to engage in normal childhood activities, such as sleepovers, extracurricular activities, sports participation, sleep-away camp, and other pro-social activities that encourage healthy development. Membership was populated with stakeholders who have backgrounds and expertise in the Act.

The Committee, co-chaired by Payne Ackerman and Ron Giesselmann, typically meets quarterly.  The Committee has the following active subcommittees to create recommendations on priority areas of the Strengthening Families Act:  Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA), Court Implementation, Normalcy, and Trafficking subcommittees.

Below you will find the annual reports of the SFA Committee and a number of helpful resources detailing information about the Act. You can also access upcoming meeting materials on the Current Meeting Documents page, with past meeting materials accessible on the Past Meeting Documents page.



SFA Committee Reports and Recommendations






























Strengthening Families Act Committee Membership


If you wish to be added to the Strengthening Families Act Committee meeting mailing list, please contact Adam Anderson at or (402) 890-6510.